Ralph Mcquarrie Sketches

Ralph McQuarrie - Monster Alien Sketch

Ralph Mcquarrie - Cantina Creature Sketches

Ralph McQuarrie - Chewbacca Sketches

Ralph Mcquarrie - Swamp Creature Sketches 3

Ralph Mcquarrie - Swamp Creature Sketches 4

Ralph Mcquarrie - Dagobah Production Painting (Empire Strikes Back)

Ralph Mcquarrie - Swamp Creature Sketches 1

Ralph Mcquarrie - Swamp Creature Sketches 2

Ralph Mcquarrie - Sketches for Space Slug

Ralph Mcquarrie - Sketches for Mynocks

Ralph Mcquarrie - Preliminary drawings for Tauntaun

Ralph Mcquarrie - Gamorrean Guards Sketch 1

Ralph Mcquarrie - Gamorrean Guards Sketches 2

Ralph Mcquarrie - Jabba the Hutt Sketches 2

Ralph Mcquarrie - Jabba the Hutt Sketches 1

Ralph Mcquarrie - Rancor Sketches

Monster Brains viewer M Rogers perfectly describes the above McQuarrie drawings.. 'This is what the memory of Star Wars will remain for me: a parade of wonder. Regardless of whatever saccharine vagaries have turned the original saga into a bag of doritos, i will always remember the sense of expansiveness and magic that seemed to emanate from the various Star Wars that could have been, the stelliform "alternate realities" suggested by production/development art like McQuarrie's and by the sense of a greater history and context that existed before the prequels. Even now, hating that bag of "StarWar-itos" with all of my being, these sketches fill me with a childlike sense of wonder, fear, and excitement. McQuarrie's designs suggest a Star Wars before Star Wars, an unrealized virtual history for a film that pulled a Back to the Future on itself and perverted its own development with "glittering prizes and endless compromises." '

Ralph McQuarrie paintings coming up this weekend.
You have just read the article entitled Ralph Mcquarrie Sketches. Please read the article from Reima Cram About https://reimacram.blogspot.com/2012/03/ralph-mcquarrie-sketches.html


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