Dieter Van der Ougstraete

Dieter VDO - New Flesh Dieter VDO - Sea Devils Dieter VDO - Nocturnalz Dieter VDO - Demons Dieter VDO - Hunting Big Pink Dieter VDO - The Innards Dieter VDO - Predators Dieter VDO - Multiforce Dieter VDO - The Four Temperaments Dieter VDO - Killer Bug Dieter VDO - Creatures 5 Dieter VDO - Creatures 4 Dieter VDO - Creatures 3 Dieter VDO - Creatures 2 Dieter VDO - Creatures 1 Dieter VDO - Couples the geeks Dieter VDO - Wrestlers vs Aliens Dieter VDO - Core (Page 15) Dieter VDO - Core (Page 14) Dieter VDO - Core (Page 6) Dieter VDO - Core (Page 18)
The above four images are from Dieter's recently released 20 page illustrated book titled "The Core" of which there are 100 copies made. The following is a summary of the story..  "The year 3012. Mankind is on the eve of Apocalypse. Again. An alien with a sinister plan. A man-eating oracle. A deadly game. To the rescue comes the Traveller. Big, Bold, Butt-naked... His journey to 'the Core' starts here."  People who are interested in buying The Core can send an e-mail to Wolfgang from Hirntrust through the following address. infect at

As you've probably noticed, Dieter created the current Monster Brains banner image using his trademark weirdo creature designs. You can see more of Dieter's work at his flickr page, portfolio site, blog and his shirt designs can be purchased from King Chin.
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