Jack Gaughan Paperback Cover Illustrations

Jack Gaughan cover art - Kenneth Bulmer - Demons' World

Jack Gaughan Cover Art - Edmond Hamilton - Fugitive Of The Stars, 1965

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for Jack Vance - The World Between and Other Stories, 1965

Jack Gaughan Cover Art - Robert E Howard - Almuric, 1964

Jack Gaughan - Galaxy Magazine, Aug 1962.jpg

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for Samuel R. Delany - Jewels of Aptor, 1962

Jack Gaughan - Galaxy Magazine, Feb 1963

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for Jack Vance - The Dragon Masters, 1963

Jack Gaughan cover art - A. Bertram Chandle - The Coils Of Time, 1964

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for John Rackham - Dark Planet

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for Fritz Leiber - Night Monsters, 1969

Jack Gaughan cover art - Avram Davidson - CLash Of The Star-Kings, 1966

Jack Gaughan cover art - IF, Worlds Of Science Fiction, Aug, 1965

Jack Gaughan cover art - IF, Worlds Of Science Fiction, Oct, 1965

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for Avram Davidson - The Kar-Chee Reign, 1966

Jack Gaughan Cover Art - J.R.R. Tolkien - Return Of The King

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration for Jack Vance - Many Worlds of Magnus Ridolph, 1966

Jack Gaughan cover art - JOhn W. Campbell - The Planeteers, 1966

Jack Gaughan - Cover Illustration For Jack Vance - Brains of Earth, 1966

Jack Gaughan - Eyes of the Overworld, paperback cover, 1966

Jack Gaughan - Eyes of the Overworld, paperback painting, 1966

Jack Gaughan - Spell of the Witch World Illustration (DAW, 1972 )

Jack Gaughan - Cap Kennedy #5 Jewel of Jarhen, paperback cover, 1974

Jack Gaughan - "Moon of the Three Rings" Paperback Cover (Ace, 1966)

Jack Gaughan - "World's Best SF" Paperback Book Cover Preliminary Art

Jack Gaughan - Galaxy, February 1975. The Annihilation of Angkor Apeiron.

Jack Gaughan - Pulp illustration

Jack Gaughan Cover Art - James White - The Escape Orbit

"Between the 1950s and '70s, Jack Gaughan (pronounced "Gone") shaped the look of fantasy and science fiction for readers of countless magazines and mass market paperbacks that bore his artwork. Influenced by pulp masters Virgil Finlay and Hannes Bok (whom he knew personally), Gaughan transcended the fan publishing field, where he first gained traction, to become a regular contributor of interiors and covers for Galaxy, Amazing, If, Fantastic, and other leading SF publications. Though some top editors dismissed his quasi-abstract compositions and cartoonish spot illustrations as "second class," his work articulated a postpulp sensibility that spoke to the realities as well as fantasies of the dawning space age." - quote source from Publishers Weekly

Flickr set here.

A book was recently published with a collection of Jack Gaughan's art, check it out on Amazon.

Many of the above illustrations found thanks to Cadwalader Ringgold, see more of his Gaughan paperback cover collection here.
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